Thursday, January 17, 2013

Hooked on phonics

I found the complete set of hooked on phonics (looks like the exact set I remember when I was little). Tzipi is struggling with reading and I think he might have some gaps that we need to fill. So she has been pushing through since I brought it home. It's a challenge but she I eager to read. We will see how this works!

Thursday, January 10, 2013

School on the go

If Zalman had been a bit older, I would have had a bit more expectation as far as traditional work while we were in Dallas but I knew it would be a challenge. We did listen to Torah teachings on our way to Dallas. We talked about what Azariah would do if he were president. He came up with some really good ways to fix things even when I threw a few complications into the mix. He chatted up a fellow patient at the hospital and worked on his interpersonal communication. He was a huge help throughout the entire trip. He is a wonderful big brother. Zalman did a good job but babies can only stand being in a car seat for so long. The trip to the maxiofacial orthodontist went well. The rain in Dallas made driving a bit chaotic and took some of the fun out of going home but made us appreciate being home. So I'm recuperating from the journey and then starts the Shabbat prep. Next week we will resume our traditional studies and I look forward to some normalcy.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

The difference between B and D

As most children, Tzipi struggles to differentiate between lowercase b and d. I found this illustration that helps. I told her to use her hands and form a bed with her fists and her index fingers pointing up. This seems to be the simplest way to remember.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013


Tzipi did this project to show how the Jews were kind to each other even in slavery. The faster Jews made more bricks for the slower Jews so the Egyptians wouldn't punish them. Great middot lesson!